Can't find the answer you're looking for? We've shared some of our most frequently asked questions to help you out!

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How do I add an item to my delivery?

If you are signed in to your account, you can add items to your delivery as one time orders or to your regular milkround until 8pm the night before the delivery date.

Repeat order item

Note, some of our items are not currently available as a repeat order.

If you want to regularly receive the item on your milkround you will need to:

  • Browse from our selection of goods
  • Select the product you'd like to add
  • Select 'Repeat order'
  • Adjust your quantity for each day of your milkround
  • Select the date you would like this to start (Remember you can add items until 8pm the night before the delivery date)
  • Click 'Add to my weekly round'
  • Continue shopping, or head to your basket and checkout!

One time order

If you want to place a one time order for an item you will need to:

  • Browse from our selection of goods
  • Select the product you'd like to add
  • Select 'One Time Order'
  • Adjust your quantity
  • Select your delivery date (Remember you can add items until 8pm the night before the delivery date)
  • Click 'Add to basket'
  • Continue shopping, or head to your basket and checkout!

Note, payment for one time orders is taken from your chosen payment method at point of purchase.

How do I remove an item from my delivery?

If you are signed in to your account, you can can remove items from your delivery as one time orders from your regular milkround until 8pm the night before the delivery date.

If you have already paid for the item, this amount will be credited to your account and deducted from your next weekly payment.

Repeat order item

If you want to remove an item you regularly receive on your milkround you will need to:

  • Go to your Repeat Orders page
  • Find the item you want to remove
  • Click 'Cancel this repeat order'
  • Provide a reason for the removal (so we can continually improve our service)
  • Click 'Submit'

Note, you will not be able to delete the item if it is the last remaining item on your milkround.

One time order

If you want to remove an item you previously placed a one-time order for you will need to:

  • Go to your Orders & Deliveries page
  • Navigate to the date you want to cancel your item on (dates where you have a delivery due will be marked with a green triangle)
  • Find the item you want to remove
  • Click 'Cancel'
Can I pause an item on my milkround?

You certainly can! If you are signed in to your account you can pause an item on your milkround until 8pm the night before the delivery date.

You can set your pause date in advance and there is no minimum pause length, but you can only pause an item for a maximum of 28 days.

To pause an item on your milkround you will need to:

  • Go to your Repeat Orders page
  • Find the product you want to pause
  • Hit the 'Pause' button
  • Provide a reason for pause (so we can continually improve our service)
  • Provide your pause start and end date (the pause window cannot be longer than 28 days)
  • Click 'Pause'

Delivery of your item will resume the day after your pause ends. If you have already paid for the item during the pause window, this amount will show as an adjustment on your next invoice.

Can I pause my whole milkround?

You certainly can! If you are signed in to your account you can pause your whole milkround until 8pm the night before the delivery date. You can set your pause date in advance and there is no minimum pause length, but you can only pause for a maximum of 28 days.

To pause your whole milkround, please follow the steps below:

  • Go to your Repeat Orders page
  • Hit the 'Pause all' button
  • Provide a reason for pause (so we can continually improve our service)
  • Provide your pause start and end date (the pause window cannot be longer than 28 days)
  • Click 'Pause all'

Your delivery will resume the day after your pause ends. If you have already paid for any items in this pause window, this amount will be credited to your account and deducted from your next weekly payment.

How do I cancel my milkround?

We’re sorry to hear you want to cancel your milkround. Have you considered pausing your deliveries if you’re going on holiday or fancy a break?

If you still want to leave the milkround and stop all future deliveries, please follow these steps:

  • Tap the message icon at the bottom of this screen (it looks a bit like this 🗨️)
  • Select “Start conversation” and follow the on-screen instructions
  • Select “I’d like to cancel my milkround”

Please note, once your milkround has been cancelled, this will stop future payments and deliveries, but it may not stop all future communications from us. For this, you’ll need to unsubscribe from our marketing list (this can be done at the bottom of any of our emails).

How do I change my marketing preferences?

If you are signed in to your account you can let us know how you’d prefer us to get in touch with you with with marketing material.

To change your marketing preferences, please follow the steps below:

  • Sign into your account
  • Select ‘My Account’
  • Select ‘Communications’
  • De-select the communication channels you no longer wish to be contacted by
  • Click ‘Save’

Note, you will still receive relevant information directly relating to your service, including transaction notifications and product updates.

What if my order is marked as delivered but I didn't receive it?

We're sorry if this has happened to you. We might have left your order out of sight in a place you didn't expect. We'd advise you to have a quick check and, if you still can't find it, we'll offer you an immediate credit or redelivery on one of your next three delivery days. You can do this by logging in to your Modern Milkman account and following the steps below:

  • Go to 'Orders & Deliveries'
  • Select the date and delivery you have an issue with
  • Select the 'Report an Issue' button and follow the on-screen instructions

If your order is showing as skipped/rejected, we’ve already credited your account.

When will my payments be taken?

We bill you for your first week’s deliveries on the day you set up a repeat weekly order. Your weekly billing cycle is dictated by your first delivery day, so if your first delivery is a Wednesday, your week is Wednesday to Tuesday.

Example: Repeat weekly order
For example, if you set up a repeat order on Monday 14th, and your first delivery is Wednesday 16th, you will be billed immediately for all orders delivered from Wednesday 16th to Tuesday 22nd.

Weekly payment cycle
We will then bill you for the following week’s deliveries, three days in advance of the first delivery day of that week. Any additional repeat weekly orders will be billed immediately, and then added to the weekly billing cycle the following week.

Example continued: weekly payment cycle
The second week’s deliveries will start on Wednesday 23rd, so you will be billed on Sunday 20th. This means you will be billed twice within a week initially, and then once a week every Sunday from then on.

Reason for three-day advance payment
This three-day advance gives you some leeway if your payment fails for any reason, such as the bank rejecting your payment. If this happens, we will try to take payment again over the three days leading up to delivery. If we still can’t take payment, we will have to cancel your delivery.

How do I change the details on my account?

You can make as many changes as necessary by logging in to your Modern Milkman account and following the steps below:

If you're using the App:

  • Select the 'Menu' icon (three lines) in the top left-hand corner
  • Select 'My account' from the menu
  • Choose which section you would like to update
  • Make any necessary changes
  • Click ‘Save’

If you're using the Website:

  • Select the 'Person’ icon
  • Select ‘My account’
  • Choose which section you would like to update
  • Make any necessary changes
  • Click 'Save'

Please note:
You cannot change your phone number, this is because we use this as your username to login.
You can't change your address, this is because your orders are locked to an area.

If you would like to change your phone number or address you can contact our customer services team who can help with this.

Why are you selling organic milk?

We’re on a mission to reduce plastic waste, and want to provide as many options to customers as possible so they can help us with our mission. While all our milk is held to extremely high standards, some customers are committed to only buying products with official organic accreditation. So we’ve added the organic accredited milk line so they too can also join us in our fight against waste.

What should I do if my item is damaged or has gone off?

We have high standards when it comes to quality and freshness, so we take this very seriously. You can choose between an immediate refund for the item you didn't receive or arrange a redelivery on one of your next three delivery days.

Report your issue:

  • Go to 'Orders & Deliveries'
  • Select the date and delivery you have an issue with
  • Select the 'Report an Issue' button and follow the on-screen instructions
How to make a formal complaint?

If you're experiencing any issues with your milkround or if you find that something isn't meeting your expectations, our customer service team is ready and waiting to help resolve any concerns. You can easily contact them by selecting the help button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

If you're still feeling like the issue is unresolved, please don't hesitate to send an email to our complaints team at [email protected]. They are dedicated to thoroughly investigating and addressing any service issues, ensuring your future experiences are excellent.

We're committed to working together to ensure your milk round is delightful.

I had an incorrect item delivered, what should I do?

We’re sorry you received the wrong item. You can choose between an immediate refund for the item you didn't receive or arrange a redelivery on one of your next three delivery days. Please keep the incorrect item or give it away, as we'd rather it didn't go to waste.

Report your issue:

  • Go to 'Orders & Deliveries'
  • Select the date and delivery you have an issue with
  • Select the 'Report an Issue' button and follow the on-screen instructions

If your order is showing as skipped/rejected, we’ve already credited your account.

My milkie didn't pick up my empty bottles, what can I do?

It's often dark when we deliver, so this can sometimes happen if they can't see them or the van is full. Please leave your empties out regularly to avoid them piling up, and make sure they are in plain sight for your milkie. We'll do our best to collect them on your next delivery.

How do I change my order once payment has been taken?

You can still amend your order once payment has been taken. If you add items to your repeat weekly order, there will be an additional charge on your next bill. If you delete items from your repeat weekly order, your account will be credited and this will be deducted off your next bill. If you wish to add a 'One Time' order, you will be charged immediately for this.

Why have I received ‘barn eggs’?

At the moment, all free range UK hens are currently being housed indoors on government veterinary advice to keep them safe from avian influenza. This means all free range eggs are now labelled as barn eggs for the foreseeable future. But please know, our hens are still receiving the highest levels of animal welfare. The farms we work with are audited to high standards every year. As well, the farms we work with are required to ‘respect and commit to promoting ethical animal welfare practices, with a focus on the five freedoms. All animals will benefit from freedom from thirst, discomfort, pain, injury or disease, fear and distress, and have the freedom to behave naturally.’ You’ll now find a “2UK” stamped on your eggs, which means they are barn eggs.